Thursday, February 27, 2014

Snow & Ice Exploration

In January we read a few penguin books; Tacky the Penguin was the class favourite but they also really liked the non-fiction books we read.  Last week I found these amazing penguins at Value Village.  Luckily we have had some snow and I turned it into a small world play bin.  The bin has gems, ice cubes, snow and the penguins.

The students have played with the bin all week.  During that time they have been learning about the properties of ice and snow.  They have also had the opportunity to create penguin habitats in the bin.  The gems became penguin eggs and several of them hatched!!!
Most importantly the bin provides time for the children to discuss their learning and work together on a project.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Open House

Thursday February 20th is an early dismissal day.  Students will be done at 12:15.  We will have an open house from 12:15 to 2:30.  Your child can show you their work and their favourite things to do in the classroom.  If that time doesn’t work for you please let me know and we can arrange another.  Report cards will be going home at spring break and I am pleased with the academic growth of all the students so far this term.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Newsletter - Feb. 6

Kindergarten News – February 6

          Feb. 10 Family Day – no school

Feb. 13 – 100 Day

Feb. 14 – Valentine’s Day

Feb. 20 – Early Dismissal

Feb. 21 – Professional Development Day – no school

Please ensure that your child brings in their 100 day poster on Feb. 13. 

Our friendship party will be during choice time (11:15 – 12:15)  Children will be encouraged to bring a small snack to share.  (There is a sign-up sheet on the door.)  We will have an exchange of Valentine cards, so if your child wishes to give Valentine cards to the whole class, please send them on this day.

Thank you, Mrs. Wiebe 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ice Science

Today we had a big science morning with all the other kindergarten classes.  Eighty students learnt about ice forming, ice melting and had lots of fun playing. 
They predicted which would freeze first - water, ketchup, dish soap, mustard, soya sauce and milk.  Most predicted that water would freeze first and it did - soya sauce didn't freeze.
This ice bucket was filled with ocean animals.  The students had to work hard to melt the big block of ice.
We had seven water bins and three ice bins.

An experiment showing how blubber keeps arctic animals warm.

Lots of students learning about North American animals.

Doing some animal research.

Working with bears.

Working with foxes, beavers, eagles & owls.

Using funnels.
We had a great time and will definitely plan more science play soon. 
This type of science activity covers many of the learning outcomes that we cover in a year.  Students are using their senses to make observations.  They are sharing information with others.  They will be able to use their learning about ice and apply it to their environment.  They are leaning about common Canadian animals.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

First Collaborative Play

Planning play is an important development as children learn through playing.  We started a time that I call Collaborative Play so that all children will have a chance to practice planning. 

 Students chose the area that they wanted to play. 
He was so excited that he started planning at home.
Planning for Littlest Pet Shop

They made a treasure map.

After some play they went back and planned some more.
Planning for doll house.

They drew some of the people they were going to play with.

The people all went on a vacation.

Planning for Construction.

The planned for a large city.

They started with three individual buildings.

Two groups joined.

Then they decided to all work together.

They also went back to plan more.
It will be interesting to see how the planning changes over time.  In the past, I always assigned play groups, this time they were able to pick and had a lot more fun.  We started the process at 9am and didn't finish until 12, with a break for recess, PE and library.  That's an extremely long time for young children to work on one project.