Wednesday, April 10, 2013

School Yard Adventure

There is a sand pile that is used for long-jump in the back field.  We like to go and build castles and volcanoes in it.  Last time they found the wooden brace that is used as a guide for jumping.  The class is now practicing long-jump; they should be great by the time their old enough for track & field.
You can see the line as they wait for their turn.
The big adventure we had happened when the school maintenace department came to work in the field.  The kids were so surprised to see the big truck driving around the field.
The workers were removing a pole from the goal post to make room for baseball season.
When the pole was removed they were able to stomp down the soil.

The kids are hoping that they will be able to watch the pole go back in when they are in grade one.  That will be sooner than we think.

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