Friday, October 18, 2013

Kindergarten News - Oct. 10

Kindergarten News- Oct. 10

        Important Dates:

Oct. 14 – Thanksgiving

Oct. 23 – Early Dismissal

12:15 - 4

Oct. 24 – Picture Retake day – must be prepaid

Oct. 25 – ProD No school

Oct. 30 – Corn Maze

Oct. 31 – Costume Parade

Nov. 7 - Remembrance Day Assembly 10:45am

Nov. 12 – No School

Nov. 22 – Teddy Bear Picnic

Dec. 10 - Christmas Concert

Thank you for all the volunteers for the Corn Maze.  Everyone is welcome to come on this trip. 

Halloween is coming quickly with great excitement.  On Thursday Oct. 31 all the primary classes have a costume parade.  If your child would like to dress up, please send their costume in a bag.  They will be given time to change after lunch in the classroom.  They must be able to put their costume on by themselves.  If the costume is too complicated, send a hat, mask, cape etc. that they can manage on their own.  No make-up or weapons.  You are welcome to come and join us and take pictures.

You are not expected to send treats to school with your child on Halloween.  If you would like to send candy to school with your child please send just ONE nut free treat for them to have at lunch.

School pictures have been sent home today.  If you and your child’s other parent are not together please share the order form.  There is a red code at the top of the order so you can order online.  If there will be two orders for your child, please send me the information so I can send the orders to the right parent.

Students have been very busy with our music teacher Mrs. Heisler practicing for our Remembrance Day assembly and the Kindergarten/Grade 1 Christmas concert.  The Remembrance Day assembly will be on Nov. 7 after recess at 10:45.  You are welcome to join us.

On October 23 we have an early dismissal day.  I have planned an open house for that afternoon.  It’s a time to come and visit the class and see some of the work that your child has been doing.  I will be here from 12:15 – 4pm.


We will be having a Teddy Bear picnic on November 22.  It’s lots of fun and involves a parade with all kindergarten students and their teddy bears pulled in wagons.  The wagons are an at-home project.  Generally wagons can be made with a shoe box.  Please decorate them with your child using paint, crayons, stickers etc.  You can be fancy and add wheels if you want but be sure to include a rope to pull the wagon.

If you like some of the photos on the blog you can right click them and save them to your computer. 

Take home days are Thursday.  That’s the day that I generally send home any notices.  The plastic folder is to protect papers from being ruined. Please remember to always send back the folder.

Mrs. Wiebe

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