Sunday, September 15, 2013

Kindergarten News - September 12, 2013

Kindergarten News – September 12, 2013

        Important Dates

Sept. 20 – ProD Day – No School

Sept. 26 – Terry Fox Run - Rain or Shine

Sept. 27 – Picture Day

Oct. 30 – Field Trip to the Corn Maze – permission forms will be sent home in October

          Please remember to send your child’s Communication Book back daily.  It’s a valuable tool for us to communicate.  Please ignore all my spelling & grammar mistakes in them; I’m writing them while paying attention to 21 students.

We are playing outside every day so please have your child wear shoes that they can easily run and play in. If your child wears sandals to school please send a pair of socks in their backpack.

          Thank you for all the volunteer forms.  I will go through them soon.  I generally don’t have any volunteers in September until the students are quite comfortable in the class.

          I have sent home a Scholastic Book order for September.  I recommend that you don’t buy the phonics boxed sets, guided reading sets or the early readers unless your child LOVES the character.  They get very boring after a few reads. 

This order will be due on September 19th.  You can pay with cash or a cheque. 

          I have ten hockey tickets for the Chilliwack Giants on December 21 at 7pm.  Let me know if you are interested. 

 If you haven’t paid your child’s school fees please do so ASAP. 

The class blog is

My email is


Mrs. Wiebe


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